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Get your wishlist fired up, Lonely Planet just revealed its top travel destinations for the year ahead.


The No.1 country is Mongolia, chosen by Lonely Planet for its “wide-open spaces, adventure activities, and distinctive culinary and musical culture.” This is the world’s most sparsely populated country and the Mongolian government is ready to start filling it up a little. This year it declared 2023 through 2025 the “Years to Visit Mongolia,” easing entry conditions for international travelers and improving infrastructure, not least with a new $650 million airport.


Other countries to make the 10 top picks include popular favorites such as Mexico, Croatia and St. Lucia, as well as lesser visited spots such as Benin and Uzbekistan.


The top city on Lonely Planet list is Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, which the travel giant loves for its “unique rhythms, impressive array of locally inspired restaurants, and steady rotation of arts and culture venues.” We love it also for Nairobi National Park, just a short drive out of the city’s central business district, where you can see more than 400 species roaming the open grass plains while skyscrapers twinkle on the skyline.


Paris, host of the 2024 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, is also on the list, as is Prague, another European capital which is no stranger to tourist crowds. Lonely Planet says the Covid-19 lockdown has allowed the Czech capital to “hit the reset button” and to promote “slow tourism and attractions away from the city center.”


Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2024


Countries 最佳旅游国家

Mongolia 蒙古

India 印度

Morocco 摩洛哥

Chile 智利

Benin 贝宁

Mexico 墨西哥

Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦

Pakistan 巴基斯坦

Croatia 克罗地亚

St. Lucia 圣卢西亚

Cities 最佳旅游城市

Nairobia, Kenya 内罗比(肯尼亚)

Paris, France 巴黎(法国)

Montreal, Canada 蒙特利尔(加拿大)

Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina 莫斯塔尔(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 费城(美国宾夕法尼亚州)

Manaus, Brazil 玛瑙斯(巴西)

Jakarta, Indonesia 雅加达(印尼)

Prague, Czech Republic 布拉格(捷克共和国)

Izmir, Turkey 伊兹密尔(土耳其)

Kansas City, Missouri 堪萨斯城(美国)








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